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A Powerful Rampage For Aligning With Your Ideal Relationship

When you are appreciative and pleased with where you are and eager for more, it is the perfect vibrational dynamic, because you are still reaching with slight or no resistance. That’s what makes for the most comfortable and joyous expansion of life.
~Abraham Hicks


Allowing The Big Important Things

The children desire freedom! And every particle of their being from their Source says “You are free. You are so free, that every thought you offer, the entire Universe jumps to respond to it.” And so, to take that kind of knowledge and try to confine it in any way, defies the Laws of the Universe. You must allow your children to be free, because the entire Universe is set up to accommodate that. And anything you do to the contrary will only bring you regret. You cannot contain those that cannot be contained. It defies Law.
~Abraham Hicks


Bring The Magic Back Into Your Life

Look for whatever aspects of them that you can focus upon while you feel good. When you do that, then you maintain your connection with that part of them forever. And often, they rise to that because you shined a spotlight on that, which makes that a bigger player in their vibration. That’s what the power of influence really is.
~Abraham Hicks


Dealing With Extreme Contrast

When you are loving your children and expecting good things for them, you are tapped into the energy of your source and you’re flooding that all over them.
~Abraham Hicks


Do This And Everything You Want Will Come To You

When you decide that you’re just not going to worry about the physical discomfort, you’re just not going to worry about it–you’re not going to exaggerate it, you’re not gonna try to explain it to anybody, you’re just gonna accept it, you’re not gonna try to make a big thing about it, you’re just gonna accept it. Just accept it without trying to change it, without trying to figure out how it got there, without feeling like you did something wrong, without turning it into more…it just is, and it’s okay. Well, it just is, and it’s okay. That feeling that it’s okay diffuses so much.
~Abraham Hicks


Empower Yourself In All Relationships

Who you really are is Nonphysical Energy focused is a physical body, knowing full well that all is well and always has been and always will be. You are here to experience the supreme pleasure of concluding new desires, and then of bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with the new desire that you've concluded - for the purpose of taking thought beyond that which it has been before.
~Abraham Hicks


Everyone Is Just A Mirror For You

Not only does the thought you are choosing right now attract the next thought and the next, and so on – it also provides the basis of your alignment with your inner being.
~Abraham Hicks


Feel For The Doneness Of Things

There is nothing in the Universe that responds faster to your thoughts than your own physical body, and so aligned thoughts bring a quick response and obvious results.
~Abraham Hicks


Focus With The Mind Of Your Inner Being

It is natural for my body to be well. Even if I don’t know what to do in order to get better, my body does. I have trillions of cells with individual consciousness, and they know how to achieve their individual balance.
~Abraham Hicks


Focusing When Reality Is In Your Face

Few realize that they can control the way they feel and positively affect the things that come into their life experience by deliberately directing their thoughts.
~Abraham Hicks


Getting Along With Others 101

When you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on, when you are connected to your Source and holding someone as your object of attention and you are genuinely offering that feeling of love and appreciation, they can’t offer you anything else!
~Abraham Hicks


How To Allow What You Want Into Your Experience

Your body is made up of intelligent cells that are always bringing themselves into balance, and the better you feel, the less you are vibrationally interfering with the cellular rebalancing.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Become The Leading Edge Of You

Don't try to fix things that feel broken, just focus upon things that give you lightheartedness and joy and ease until you make that your vibrational lifestyle and then see what happens to every relationship in your life experience.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Deal With Those Who Poke At You

If you know that all is well, you know all you need to know. And if you know life is supposed to be fun, you know more than almost anybody else knows. And if you know that the way you feel is your indicator of how connected you are to Source, then you know that which only a handful of Deliberate Creators, respective to the total population, really know.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Get In The Vortex

Did you hear us when we said it’s not a big thing? You don’t have some big, terrible, hairy, secret doubt within you…it’s just a whole bunch of stuff. Like “I’d like to do that, but I can’t,” something that simple. And just multiply that by a few dozen times a day about a few hundred subjects and then you’ve got resistance. That’s all that it is.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Increase Self-Confidence

People often incorrectly assume that since the baby cannot speak, it could not be creating its own reality, but that is not the case. Even those who do have language are not creating through words, but through thoughts. Your babies are thinking when they are born, and before they are born they are vibrationally aware. Their vibrational frequencies are immediately affected by the vibrations that surround them in their birth environment, but there is no need to worry about them, for they, like you, we’re born with an Emotional Guidance System.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Recognize And Understand The Impulses Received From Source

You are eternal consciousness. We cannot find a bigger word than that. You are forever. You never cease to be. You are a consciousness that expands and it is this expansion that gives you the most delight.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Truly Help Others

Decrease your willingness to endure discomfort.
~Abraham Hicks


Jealousy About What Other People Have

Let your alignment (with Well-Being) be first and foremost, and let everything else be secondary. And not only will you have an eternally joyous journey, but everything you have ever imagined will flow effortlessly into your experience. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have—but your dominant intent is to be joyful. The doing and the having will come into alignment once you get that one down.
~Abraham Hicks


Let Yourself Go With The Flow Of Who You Really Are

Alignment trumps everything. Stay off the subject that disturbs your alignment, and everything that you are about will come into alignment.
~Abraham Hicks


Letting Go Of The Struggle And Hooking Up To Your Power

There is no physical body, no matter what the state of decline, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.
~Abraham Hicks


Manifesting Wanted Things Despite Negative Beliefs

All you gotta do, is decide and really mean it, and practice until you’re good at it, being happy.
~Abraham Hicks


Practice Living Up To Your Potential

That nothing will come into your experience unless you invite it through your thought.
~Abraham Hicks


Satisfaction With The Current Politics

This is your moment. This is what not only you came for but what all of humanity has been posed for. This is what it’s all about: to be, in this time space reality, and feeling your own invincibility, your own potential, your own right-place right-time, your own “this is the reason that I’m alive”, your own “I’m loving this furtherest, most expanded part of my being-ness.
~Abraham Hicks


Start Acting In The Story That You Want

Bless every dollar that comes in and enjoy every dollar that goes out. Get that sort of feeling going and don’t pinch your pennies so hard as you are letting them go. Then you will open a wider avenue for them to come in.
~Abraham Hicks


Stop Digging Up The Past By Trying To Fix It

I love knowing that it doesn’t matter what’s going on right now, because I can keep telling a new story.
~Abraham Hicks


The Best Basis Of A Relationship

Think more about it if it feels good.
Think less about it if it doesn't feel good.
Get more specific if you're feeling good.
Become more general if you're not feeling good.
~Abraham Hicks


The Fastest Way To Get In Alignment

It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy-frolicking and eager.
~Abraham Hicks


The Love You're Looking For

You didn’t come forth to learn lessons–you came forth to use the Energy to create. It’s a big difference in orientation.
~Abraham Hicks


The Universe Is Responding To You, Test It

Most people think that when they have physical pain, there must be something really, really big and important that they are denying, and that is rarely the situation. What it is, is a whole bunch of things that you care about that you’re just denying. You have so many beliefs that are contradicting so many desires, that’s all it is.
~Abraham Hicks


There's Nothing Outside Of You That Can Pull You Down

It is natural for you to anticipate happy outcomes. And it is natural for you to love. And it is natural for you to sing. And it is natural for you to play. It is natural for you to skip. It is natural for you to be joyful. It is natural for you to know Well-Being.
~Abraham Hicks


This Is Where True Satisfaction Comes From

When you feel gratitude, you are the closes to the natural state you were born in.
~Abraham Hicks


Trust That Everything Falls Into Place For You

Your life-and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them. You can literally script any life that you desire, and the Universe will deliver to you the people, places, and events just as you decide them to be. For you are the creator of your own experience-you have only to decide it and allow it to be.
~Abraham Hicks


What Others Do Is Never About You

If you can take money out of the equation and just put emotion into the equation, now you’ve got it, you see. The money will follow.
~Abraham Hicks


You Are Eternally Connected To The God Force Energy

If you write things you appreciate in others, in life and in yourself, you will have such a dramatic change in 30 days. And if you continued for 6 months, the change will be so powerful, so strong, that others who know you will not recognize the old you.
~Abraham Hicks


Aligning With The Solutions Is The Key

You’re not here as inferior beings trying to catch up with this heavenly God–you are this heavenly God in this heavenly body here on planet Earth in this Leading Edge time-space reality. And you are so understood to be so in this Leading Edge place that when your contrast causes a preference to be born within you, Source Energy is so sure that you are the right one to make that call that Source says yes instantly to any preference that is born within you.
~Abraham Hicks


Believe That All Things Are Possible

Much of your attraction is not done by deliberate intent, but rather by default. It is important to understand that you get what you think about, whether you want it or not. And chronic thoughts about unwanted things invite, or ask for, matching experiences. The Law of Attraction makes it so. Relationships, or co-creating with others.
~Abraham Hicks


Care More About How You Feel Than What You Think

Let the emotion be the prize, not the manifestation.
~Abraham Hicks


Develop New Ways Of Looking At Things

The laws of the universe are responding to me.
~Abraham Hicks


Do This And Your Life Would Become Easier

There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right.
~Abraham Hicks


Every Moment Of Alignment Changes Your Vibration

Life is always in motion, so you cannot be stuck.
~Abraham Hicks


Everything Is Available To You All The Time

The relationships you have with others are a reflection of the vibration you offer. There aren’t actually any “others”, it’s actually all about the relationship you have with yourself. They are projections of that. You can change the people, and new ones will appear with the same dynamics. But it’s changing your emotions (vibration) that changes the dynamics, whether with the same people or new people.
~Abraham Hicks


Focus On The Essence Of Things You Want

Your child is naturally joyful. Your child is naturally tuned in to Source Energy. And as he is diving through and digging through contrast, it is natural that there would be some things that might disconnect him. Just don’t let his disconnection then inflame your disconnection. Many parents have discovered that their children, for the most part, feel good when they do–and the ornerier you are, usually the ornerier your children are. They are a strong reflection of the way you are feeling much of the time.
~Abraham Hicks


Focus Your Feelings And The Stuff Must Come

Success is not about getting it done. It is about still dreaming and feeling positive in the unfolding.
~Abraham Hicks


Get Used To Doing Only What You Feel Like Doing

"When you are focused on the desire for the money and taking score of the absence of the money, you are vibrationally defeating your own purpose.
~Abraham Hicks"


How Do You Know You're On The Right Path

No matter how long you've been in that place, no matter how long you've practiced that negative emotion, no matter what the conditions that you're standing in that you're observing that are making you feel less than good; it doesn't matter how big, bad and awful whatever-it-is is that you think you're living;
10 minutes is as long as we think it would ever take to achieve the important manifestation of the improved emotional state of being.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Be Happy When Something Traumatizing Happens

You’re picky about the car you drive. You’re picky about what you wear. You’re picky about what you put in your mouth, be pickier about what you think
~Abraham Hicks


How To Connect To An Autistic Child - Part 2

You cannot look at yourself in bogus ways and be happy. You cannot argue for your limitations and be happy. You cannot beat up on yourself about what you should’ve done, or even what you should be doing right now, and be happy. You have to make peace with yourself, you have to make peace with where you are. It HAS to be alright that you don’t make your bed and it HAS to be alright that you lay there all day if you feel like it. It has to be alright! You have to stop letting other humans who need you to do conditional things so that they can be conditionally happy guide you away from what TRUE love is.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Fix All Your Relationships

If you’ll just sit and pet your cat - or somebody’s cat - find a cat, for God’s sake! Find a cat! Or anything furry - and let it train you into a frequency that will cause you to allow enlightenment.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Get Ready For The Big Money

How to soothe yourself, you do it by saying: It’s alright, I’m just fine. All is well. There, there, everything’s alright. Perfect place, perfect time. This is who I am. I was born to be here. I’m on my path. This is the trajectory of who I am. I’m pure positive energy. Everything’s just right. I could not be doing it better. I’m following inspiration. I’m getting better at that all the time. Pure positive energy surrounds me. I am adored. This environment that’s around me inspires me to more. I’m constantly achieving it. I never get it done. I can’t get it wrong. All is really well with me. I feel good so much of the time. All it well.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Increase The Allowing

Be as happy as you want to be.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Take A More Intuitive To Investments

We love the questions “How do I get from where I am to where I want to be?” And the answer is: look in the direction of where you want to be, and speak in the direction of where you want to be, and never again look back over your shoulder about where you have come from.
~Abraham Hicks


How To Use Your Feelings To Bridge Beliefs

If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one to be different so that you can feel good. You would free yourself of all of that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world, or control your mate, or control your child. You are the only one who creates your reality. For no one else can think for you, no one else can do it. It is only you, every bit of it you.
~Abraham Hicks


Let The Universe Bless You In All Regards

If you can trust that all you want is alive and well and waiting for you, and that the entire Universe is working to bring you into alignment with it, then your joy can start today.
~Abraham Hicks


Let Yourself Receive Everything That You Desire

While it does, and should, feel good to be appreciated by another person, if you are dependent upon their appreciation to feel good, you will not be able to consistently feel good, because no other person has the ability, or a responsibility, to hold you as their singular, positive object of attention. Your Inner Being, however, the Source within you, always holds you, with no exceptions, as a constant object of appreciation. So if you will tune your thoughts and actions to that consistent Vibration of Well-Being flowing forth from your Inner Being—you will thrive under any and all conditions.
~Abraham Hicks


Look For Positive Aspects

All possibilities are available right now. How do you want to feel?
~Abraham Hicks


Nothing's Off Limits For You

(Tolerance) is one of the most ineffective, unproductive, not-good-for-you emotions that you could ever foster and encourage.

Because what it is: it is a looking right at something unwanted, feeling the guidance of being-off-track, and then the learning to accept it as a feeling that you are willing to endure. (...)

Tolerance is not liking it, and just accepting it. (...) [And we would encourage Making Peace with What Is rather than resisting it.] But it´s certainly not good for you to look at something unwanted, and not do anything about adjusting your vibration.
~Abraham Hicks


Reset Your Vibration In 15 Minutes Of Magic

Whether the trauma to your body seemed to come suddenly as a result of an accident or whether it came from a disease such as cancer, you have created the situation through your thought – and the healing will come through your thought as well.
~Abraham Hicks


Shifting From Powerlessness On The Subject Of Money

Decrease your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000% (if there could be such a percentage). More fun, less struggle, more results on all fronts.
~Abraham Hicks


Stop Arguing For Your Limitations

My most important relationship is with my Source. There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world…will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.
~Abraham Hicks


Stop Telling That Old Story

Dollars are not the root of happiness, but they are not the root of evil either. They are the result of how somebody lines up their energy.
~Abraham Hicks


The Connection With Your Cells And Your Body

If you like or dislike someone, they feel the same way about you. You teach each other your respective responsive vibrations. In other words, you don’t feel any way about anyone without their helping you to feel that way. It’s really co-creation.
~Abraham Hicks


The Key Is To Accept The Vibrational Reality

There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it. Whether it is a material object, a physical state of being, a relationship, a condition, or a circumstance – at the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good. And so, the standard of success in life is not the things or the money – the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.
~Abraham Hicks


The Price You Must Pay For Happiness

Feel appreciation for what is, and eagerness for what’s coming.
~Abraham Hicks


There Is No Price To Pay

There ain’t no “baby mama drama” up in this Vortex, homie!
~Abraham Hicks


Things To Do To Let In What You're Asking For

There are those who get out and live life, and there are those who stay home and clean their house.

And there are those that call one virtuous and one whimsical and irresponsible.

And there are those like us that call it your choice in the way you live your life.
You get to choose.
Nobody else.
~Abraham Hicks


Train Yourself Into The Vibration Of Everything You Want

Do you know a week or two of deliberately turning downstream is all you need to feel wonderful? And do you know 30 days of feeling wonderful is all you need to manifest the biggest of dreams you’ve ever had?
~Abraham Hicks


Understanding This Will Change You

Your joy is the greatest gift that you can give anyone. Because unless you are in your joy, you have nothing to give anyway.
~Abraham Hicks


When Life Comes At You

Everything springs forth from the imagination. Everything.
~Abraham Hicks


You Have Chill Out To Know What To Do

[There are some] beliefs you currently believe, that are in your way. (...) You believe so much in them. And we understand why you believe in them.
Because: when you believe something, you offer a vibration about it, and you KEEP RECREATING it. So, something that happened a long time ago, you keep renewing your membership to. You keep bringing it forwards. And so, then the memory, which could be very slight or non-existent at this point, is really active and alive, because you talked about it today. And you talked about it yesterday. And you talked about it the day before, even if it had happened 20 years ago.

And so, when people encounter you, you are a fresh new person. And if you are like most humans, you are regurgitating a lot of old stuff. So, things don´t change very much, if that´s what is going on with you.

Oh, different faces and different places, but same old, same old!
Because you continue to offer this same old belief-patterns.
~Abraham Hicks

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