Nora WalkerDec 21, 2015StarseedsTHE 5 RARE STARSEED BLOOD TYPES AND THEIR MEANINGSStarseeds often have rare blood types that are not commonly found in the general public. Starseed blood types are considered to be some...
Nora WalkerOct 7, 2015StarseedsWHY STARSEEDS GET DEPRESSED: GROUNDING STRATEGIES TO PREVENT DEPRESSIONAs Starseeds, we are often aware of the higher dimensions and can feel overwhelmed with emotions. Starseed depression is a direct result...
Jiang Zi YiOct 2, 2015StarseedsSTARSEED EYES – SOUL TELLS IN PHYSICAL FORMWhat is the difference between Starseed eyes and normal ones? They are the window to the soul so you can tell a lot about a person from...
Nora WalkerJun 4, 2015StarseedsLEMURIAN SOUL TRAITS AND THE LONG-LOST HISTORY OF LEMURIALemurian soul Traits: An intermingling of energies persists among humans because of interplanetary interactions. However, there are...
Jiang Zi YiMar 31, 2015StarseedsARE YOU A COSMIC TRAVELLER?Starseeds are the highly evolved souls who have experienced life anywhere in the Universe including different planets, star systems, and...