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  • Writer's pictureNora Walker


We are an ego driven bunch a lot of the time.

We might think that we can act without ego, that our contemplation and meditation has melted away the ego-driven behaviour that the spiritually unawakened are still pinned down by. But the ego remains in most, if not all, of us.

And this ego needs protection.

That is the primary reason that love is so difficult to find. It cannot declare itself when the ego sees a chance of rejection or rebuttal.

Luckily, love is a little stronger than the ego and, though the ego will not allow us to say it, love has a few techniques with which to express itself when the ego gets in the way.

These are the unconscious love signals.

Stand Close

Everybody has a buffer zone for personal space. Some only need a small amount; some require a much more extensive radius. But everybody has one.

Love does not obey the boundaries of the buffer zone.

When we love someone, we unconsciously stand closer to them than would usually be acceptable.

We are being pulled towards them and, without the ego weighing all the pros and cons of crossing social boundaries, we unconsciously signal our feelings in doing so.


Similarly, the way a person faces their body – especially in a group situation – can indicate feelings of love.

When we love someone, we find our bodies turn instinctively towards them, and our body language opens up. We are inviting them in, physically and emotionally. And without even thinking about it.

We should pay specific attention to feet and arms. When someone’s feet are always pointing at us, and their arms are uncrossed and palms towards us, that is a sure emotional invitation and may be a sign of love.

Silly Smiles & The “Good To See You” Switch

There are a plethora of other body language signals we can look for. Chief among them are “silly smiles”, the smiling that makes no sense given the context but refuses to fade, and what we like to call the “Good To See You” switch.

The “Good To See You” switch is a little signal we unconsciously use when we meet someone we like.

Everyone’s switch is different, but they all follow the same pattern. For example, our switch might be a scratch behind our ear, running our hands on the back of our head, or touching a finger to our eyebrow.

This takes a little more attention to notice, but once we do we have a reliable indicator as to what someone thinks when they see us.


Lastly, we have synchronicity. Love has a funny way of finding a way to express itself, and through synchronicity, it drives us to pursue it.

If we run into someone everywhere, we go, if they show up to the same places we do despite neither of us usually showing up there, if we get the urge to text or call them and then immediately receive a text or call from them, then the universe is trying to tell us something.


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