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  • Writer's pictureJiang Zi Yi


The Twin Flame connection is the most potent spiritual connection two people can have.

For that reason, Twin Flame telepathy is a common phenomenon that usually begins before the first meeting.

If you know what signs to look for, you might be able to tell when your Twin Flame is communicating with you via your soul’s energy vibration.

1. Your Heart Suddenly Races

The heart chakra is the anchor for your Twin Flame connection.

This is the first sign that your Twin Flame is communicating with you telepathically is usually a racing heart.

2. Your Stomach Flutters

Next, you will notice your stomach fluttering – commonly known as “butterflies”.

They are caused by rising energy from your lower, more primal chakras, indicating the depth of the Twin Flame connection.

3. You Feel Their Presence

Twin Flames share energy signatures. You’ve felt energy signatures before – it is what is responsible for the feeling of being around a particular person.

You will feel the same way as you would if they were there because their energy signature has reached across the soul energy connection and exists within you.

4. They Invade Your Senses

When the Twin Flame telepathy is active, your senses are overloaded with their energies.

You might get mental images of them, or you might smell their scent or hear their voice.

Combined with the feeling of their presence, this experience can be quite eery.

5. They Might Touch You

Powerful connections can allow physical contact. It ranges from a brush on the arm to holding your hand.

Some can even hug and kiss purely only using telepathic energy.

With a lot of practice, this can be taken further – though we’ll leave that up to your imagination.

However, this is very risky. You can never fully know (unless you are psychic) if they are real or a fake being sucking energy from you.

6. Warmth Fills Your Body

The energy that travels from your Twin Flame as they communicate with you raises your vibrations.

Often you will find it giving you that warm feeling that we all associate with comfort, ease, and belonging – like a hug for your soul.

7. You Might Feel Dazed, Lightheaded

All of this extrasensory information and revitalising energy can prove a little much for the chakras, producing a feeling of being dazed or lightheaded.

The feeling is very much like being slightly tipsy.

8. Sudden Fits Of Giggles

Related to that, you might find when your Twin Flame is communicating with you that you fall into a fit of the giggles.

Breaking into laughter can happen due to energy overload, but equally, it could be because your Twin Flame is sharing a joke with you.

9. It Comes After A Buzz Or Hum

Often, Twin Flame telepathic communication is something we feel coming.

Feeling a slight hum in the air, hearing buzzing, and getting goosebumps are all signs a message is incoming.

Knowing these signs can help you to get the most out of Twin Flame telepathic communication.

By paying attention to your body, mind, and soul, you can understand more about yourself, your twin flame, and the journey you will inevitably share.


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